Indetify as element compound or mixture sulfer dioxide
Indetify as element compound or mixture sulfer dioxide

indetify as element compound or mixture sulfer dioxide

Therefore, an owner electing to use such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives is responsible for: (1) assuring that the techniques or alternatives are in fact applicable and are properly executed (2) including a written description of the alternative method in the test report (the written method must be clear and must be capable of being performed without additional instruction, and the degree of detail should be similar to the detail contained in the test methods) and (3) providing any rationale or supporting data necessary to show the validity of the alternative in the particular application. Also, the potentially approvable options are not necessarily acceptable in all applications. However, detailed descriptions for applying these potentially approvable techniques or alternatives are not provided in the test methods. The potentially approvable options are cited as “subject to the approval of the Administrator” or as “or equivalent.” Such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives may be used at the discretion of the owner without prior approval. The items identified as acceptable options may be used without approval but must be identified in the test report. Within the test methods, certain specific equipment or procedures are recognized as being acceptable or potentially acceptable and are specifically identified in the methods. An owner employing such methods or deviations from the test methods without obtaining prior approval does so at the risk of subsequent disapproval and retesting with approved methods. It should be clearly understood that unless otherwise identified all such methods and changes must have prior approval of the Administrator. section 60.8 provides authority for the Administrator to specify or approve (1) equivalent methods, (2) alternative methods, and (3) minor changes in the methodology of the test methods.

indetify as element compound or mixture sulfer dioxide

Minor changes in the test methods should not necessarily affect the validity of the results and it is recognized that alternative and equivalent methods exist. Most of the methods described herein, therefore, involve specific equipment specifications and procedures, and only a few methods in this appendix rely on performance criteria. In practice, however, this approach is impractical in most cases because performance specifications cannot be established. In concept, a performance specification approach would be preferable in all methods because this allows the greatest flexibility to the user. The approach followed in the formulation of the test methods involves specifications for equipment, procedures, and performance. The methods are potentially applicable to other sources however, applicability should be confirmed by careful and appropriate evaluation of the conditions prevalent at such sources. Inclusion of methods in this appendix is not intended as an endorsement or denial of their applicability to sources that are not subject to standards of performance. Similarly, for sources subject to emission monitoring requirements, specific instructions pertaining to any use of a test method as a reference method are provided in the subpart or in Appendix B. Such instructions (for example, establish sampling rates, volumes, or temperatures) are to be used either in addition to, or as a substitute for procedures in a test method.

indetify as element compound or mixture sulfer dioxide indetify as element compound or mixture sulfer dioxide

Within each standard of performance, a section title “Test Methods and Procedures” is provided to: (1) Identify the test methods to be used as reference methods to the facility subject to the respective standard and (2) identify any special instructions or conditions to be followed when applying a method to the respective facility. Specific uses of these test methods are described in the standards of performance contained in the subparts, beginning with Subpart D. The test methods in this appendix are referred to in § 60.8 (Performance Tests) and § 60.11 (Compliance With Standards and Maintenance Requirements) of 40 CFR part 60, subpart A (General Provisions). Method 25E - Determination of Vapor Phase Organic Concentration in Waste Samples

Indetify as element compound or mixture sulfer dioxide